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Information légale


CDLS-Consulting will advise you on the best methods to supervise your fibre optics to ensure full control of your managed transmissions.


These methods based on reflectometry will allow you to :

- detect certain defects on the fibres (disturbances, cuts, splices, connectors, etc)

- locate the defects

- supervise the quality of the fibre (ageing, water, dust…)

- detect any interruption of service

- detect a localised variation of the optical attenuation

- detect an attempt to intrude


Any sudden and localised variation can be interpreted as an attempt to break-in. You will thus be able to interrupt the traffic until the cause of the incident has been clearly identified.


Thanks to a careful mapping system, you will be able to identify the pathway of the fibre on a chart and accurately locate the potential defect.


CDLS-Consulting will advise you on the best methods to guarantee the integrity of your connections :

- Protection of the network against malicious acts

· The access points should only be accessible to authorized personnel. The operator or your subcontractors will ensure that accessibility at the entry points is as restrictive as possible.

· The specifically installed rooms will be secured

· The operator will describe the system designed to secure the rooms

· The secured rooms will be locked by a device limiting access to authorized personnel only and will be protected against intrusion


- Protection of the network against natural and climatic conditions such as flooding and storms (of the extent of the Great Paris flood, or the 1999 Lothar and Martin storms)



                    CDLS-CONSULTING         83, rue Michel-Ange - 75016  - PARIS - FRANCE -